Children’s Health

mother-babyI frequently see children in consultation, ranging from small babies upwards.

They present typically with problems such as baby’s colic, teething, sleep problems, eczema and skin problems, asthma, ADHD, autism, behavioural problems, eating disorders, ear infections, glue ear, tonsillitis, and recurrent colds. Children respond well to natural medicine, as it is gentle but effective.

In my experience, I have never seen a child in consultation who does not need nutritional assistance, despite often being given good nutrition by their parents – this is more a reflection of the quality of the food we are exposed to in supermarkets, and how very different it is from the food past generations have eaten.

Recently a famous American Nutritionist stated that in order to get the same nutrition from an apple that would have been eaten in the 1960s three would need to be eaten today.